Terms and Conditions
• WAPs are effective May 1 – October 15 and are typically issued to provide exemptions from the days per week watering requirements set forth in sections 12.4.1304, 12.4.1306, and 12.4.1307 of the WSO. Utilities may also issue a WAP that exempts a customer from the time of day limits in the WSO if the customer can demonstrate a critical need for such an exemption based on the customer’s inability to comply with the limits. WAPs do not provide an exemption from other provisions of the WSO unless a critical need can be demonstrated by the customer.
• WAPs shall expire after 5 years from the date of issuance. At that time, the customer will be required to submit a new WAP application.
• If the subject premises does not have a dedicated meter or submeter for irrigation is not available, Springs Utilities will determine the irrigation allotment by subtracting an estimated indoor water consumption from the monthly total to establish the outdoor consumption. This outdoor consumption will be used for compliance to the WAP. It may not match billing consumption totals.
• If a water leak occurs, a customer may apply for a Water Leak Adjustment. If a leak adjustment is approved, the customer’s water consumption will be adjusted for the leak total.
• If a customer with an approved WAP applies for and receives an Establishment Permit (EP), the volume of water consumption during the approved EP effective dates may be deducted from the outdoor consumption allotment permitted under the WAP.
• Single family residential customers with a total lot size under 20,000sqft are not required to submit site information. A vegetated area measurement will be used to calculate the water allotment. Upon plan approval, this area may be reviewed.
• Single family residential customers with a total lot size equal to or greater than 20,000sqft, multifamily customers and all commercial customers shall provide the following information:
o A list of all water account numbers that contain outdoor watering.
o A site map identifying actively* irrigated landscaped areas.
o The total square footage of actively* irrigated landscape areas.
*Actively irrigated landscape is defined as any portion of the landscape that is watered by a working, in-ground sprinkler system and is watered at least one time per month.
Third parties such as contractors or property managers that are not listed on the account for the subject premises may only apply for a WAP if the customer has completed the Consumption Consent Form authorizing the third party to apply.
• Springs Utilities may withdraw or amend an approved WAP upon the declaration of a different water shortage stage or outdoor landscape watering level pursuant to the WSO.
• WAPs will not be applicable or provide relief from all of the WSO requirements during a Stage III or Stage IV shortage, except as permitted by section 12.4.1308(B).
• WAPs will not excuse customers from paying any applicable rates for water service, including rates under an approved water shortage tariff.
• A notice regarding the existence of an WAP, on a form provided by Springs Utilities, shall be displayed on the premises and be visible from a public street at all times during the term of the WAP.
• Springs Utilities may conduct or require a site inspection to evaluate compliance with the terms of an approved WAP. If an area approved for irrigation under a WAP is not being actively irrigated, the area may be removed from the approved plan and the water allocation permitted in the WAP may be reduced accordingly.
• A commercial customer may provide one application for several premises provided all necessary details, including: applicable account numbers, addresses and corresponding maps identifying actively irrigated areas are provided.
• If landscape modifications occur that affect the approved WAP, the customer is responsible for contacting Springs Utilities and updating WAP information.
• Failure to comply with a condition set forth herein and in an approved WAP, including exceeding the water allocation allotments, may result in a revocation of the WAP and Utilities will add charge to the customer’s water bill equal to one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a residential customer and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a commercial user.